Social Learning Groups
We have in-person Social Learning Groups available for students in preschool through high school. Our groups range in size from 2-6 participants. Students are grouped based on age, gender, general strengths/challenges, play or conversation skills, behaviors, language, and more. We are very thoughtful in our group placements and make every effort to form groups that are cohesive and supportive to individual and group learning. To learn more about common profiles of the clients we serve, check out Our Clients page.
Rather than teaching discrete “social skills,” our program teaches the why behind the social rules. We support our clients in learning about their social world, how it works, and how they can feel more successful in it. We utilize material from various sources including Social Thinking®, Zones of Regulation®, Kimochis®, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and more.

Common Goals or Topics for Groups:
Initiating or maintaining friendships
Perspective taking
Balanced conversation
Nonverbal communication
Negotiation or compromise
Doing the “group plan”
Reading social cues
Personal space
Imaginative and collaborative play